Monday, April 30, 2012

Wild in the Streets

The midwest is often overlooked by the skateboard industry. This summer that is about to change as Emerica has just announced it will hold its Wild in the Streets event in Downtown Detroit on June 21st also known as National Go Skateboarding Day.  The event will help kick off the building of the Ride It Sculpture Skate Park, to be built alongside the East Davison Freeway in an abandon lot.

The event should bring a lot of attention and awareness to the city of Detroit, through skateboarding.  The major focus of the event will be to help raise money and awareness for the Ride It Sculpture Park.  The more awareness that is built around the event, the more people will be able to help, and more money can be donated for a good cause.  Please donate to the park through  I have donated a small amount of money, but more importantly I hope to get involved and donate my time and energy to make the park a great, safe, and hassle free place to skate.  Learn more through Tony Miorana and his work with other parks in his video about the Ride It Sculpture Park.

Tony Miorana Ride It Sculpture Park


  1. Thanks for the heads up!!

    I'll make sure to be out of the streets on June 21st haha

  2. Yeah it should be like Critical Mass on skateboards. Check out last years event in LA
